Looking for a name for your fantasy role playing character? Or perhaps you want an unusual name for your child? This page may have the answer for you.
This name generator works by reading in a large list of names (some of which have been taken from various works of fiction) or interesting-sounding english words and analyzing letter probabilities and groupings. It will reject any generated name which is too short, too long, or is the same as one of the words on the original input list. (Note, however, that names from the original input list will occasionally show up as part of a generated word.)
These names have been uniquely generated for you to use in any way you like, and each time you view this page the list will be different. To save the names for later viewing, just select them in your browser and copy them to the clipboard.
A lot of the names generated can be made better with a little bit of tweaking. Remember, this list is just a starting point for your imagination.