Everything I ever needed to know I learned playing Super Mario 64.
Who says that video games don't affect the minds of our young children?
Fortunately, Mario 64 has many positive life lessons, and here are just
some of the ones I've learned from playing the game:
- If you see someone about to attack you, don't panic. Simply leap up
and touch the top of their head with your toe. They'll instantly explode
into a puff of air, leaving behind a golden coin which will make you feel
much better!
- If you find yourself falling from a great height, make sure you hit the
ground butt-first. You'll suffer less injuries that way.
- If you ever feel hurt or injured, head for the nearest pool of water
and float near the surface. You'll quickly be healed!
- Similarly, if you're deep underwater and can't hold your breath much
longer, simply look for air bubbles. You can breathe them in and stay
under much longer. Golden coins will work too, although the mechanics of
this process are something I don't quite understand yet.
- If you see a tornado, don't worry. Just leap into it and it will toss
you up in the air, and then gently waft you down to where you want to
- If you see any boxes or crates, don't hesitate to bust them open.
There might be a treasure inside waiting for you!
- Eat all of the mushrooms you can find.
- If you see a bomb about to go off, walk over to it and pick it up and
then throw it away from you. But if it's painted pink, don't worry. That
means it's a "nice" bomb.
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