
Fantastic Stochastic Concept Concatenator

Putting the power of surrealism to work for you!

Often when I'm working on a story or campaign scenario I run into mental blocks where it's hard to think of a new idea. In cases like that, it's sometimes helpful to use random concepts generated by the computer to stimulate my creativity.

The following list of word-pairs has been randomly generated from a carefully selected list of adjectives, nouns, verbs and so forth. This list has been uniquely generated for you, and each time you view this page the list will be different.

Admittedly, most combinations are nonsensical. A small minority are useful, a few are quite striking. And of course, some combinations are just plain hilarious. (My favorite so far is "power pork".) You'll have to sift through them as best you can and find the ones that are useful.

To save the words for later viewing, just select them in your browser and copy them to the clip board.

watching keeper   demonic bacon     great tamer       mad diamond       roaring shaper    
five leg          joy watcher       stone illusion    snow leg          dirt maker        
flaming shaper    granite night     near burner       thunder harp      bitter marble     
fear tamer        safe horn         wit fiend         singing helm      silver knife      
dagger sheperd    wicked crusher    bronze key        little knife      deep drinker      
muddy bat         beef giver        fate sabre        gut wand          honey gold        
body rose         fate mule         sorrow crow       brass swamp       doom mace         
twisted smasher   shield flower     brew trader       west mead         dancing mead      
shadow weed       dire lightning    poison diamond    flat finder       storm thunder     
ox tiger          hell blood        bald dock         warrior lord      song city